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Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
ODTÜ Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Profesörleri Tarafından Yazılmış Programlamaya Giriş Kitabı
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - A source for starters in Python
Stanford EE183 Advanced Logic Design Laboratory
Frequently Asked Questions About Computer Engineering
Bilgisayar Bilimi Hakkında Kurs Listesi
Popüler Online Kurslar
METU Computer Engineering Introduction Page
CS50 - Harvard's Introduction Lectures For Computer Science
Procedural Content Generation Wiki
Hexagonal Grids
MIT's Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
Scipy: Python for Science - Scipy Lecture Notes
How to Become a Hacker
Chris Stephenson's Computes Science Open Course Site
3Blue1Brown - A Youtube channel that explains math using visual perspective
The Net Ninja - A Youtube channel that contains tutorials mainly on web development
Let's Go Larval - Adventures in programming from a Linux/Mac perspectiv
Nihil - Python, C ve C++ exercises prepared by METU Computer Engineering Department
E-Bergi - A Turkish source for computer science :)
Programming in the Twenty-First Century
Hacker Curriculum
Competitive Programmer's Handbook
Game Programming Patterns
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