
KODTU6 Contest

The moment we've been waiting for has arrived! Applications for our KODTÜ6 competition are now open.

Application Form: Application Form Link

What is KODTÜ?

KODTÜ is an online programming competition in ICPC format, open to everyone but with prizes exclusively for METU students. The single-stage competition consists of 7 problems, and you can participate by simply filling out the application form.

The competition supports multiple programming languages including Python, C++, and Java.

Why Should You Participate?

  • Opportunity to test your algorithm and problem-solving skills
  • Chance to improve yourself in a competitive environment
  • Cash prizes
  • Experience competing in ICPC format

Good luck to all participants!

Application Deadline: 18.02.2025

Contest Date: 22.02.2025

27th Annual Programming Contest

METU Computer Club proudly announces the 27th Annual Programming Contest!

This year, the contest will be one round and will start on Sunday, May 12th at 11.00. Anyone can participate in the contest, but the official prize ranking will only be made among teams of university students. You can participate in the contest as individually or in teams of 2 or 3.

Programming contest is a programming contest like nominee. The aim is to write a program that will solve the questions within certain time and memory limits. The aim of the contest, which will be held in ACM ICPC formats, is to be the fastest team that solves the questions. You can reach the questions of other contests held in previous years at, and try yourself in the system.

For detailed information and rules, you can visit our FAQ page.

You can apply to the Annual Programming Contest, whose applications continue until May 9th, from the link below.

Application Link

We wish everyone success 🏆.

KODTÜ Winners

Our contest is over! Thank you to everyone who participated and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We also congratulate the first 3 teams of our contest.

Top 3 Teams:

  • yutabi (Bingül)
  • Durusta (Cura, Ateş)
  • rosto köfte yiyoz (Çakıl, Özcan)

You can still solve the problems at archive.

You can also give us feedback by filling out the form at the link below: Feedback Form


We are happy to announce KODTÜ, our programming contest among METU students, which we're organizing for the fourth time this year. 🥳 We will hold our contest online on Saturday, February 11th, 11:00. Anyone can participate in the contest, but the award ranking will only be made between undergradate METU students and teams composed entirely of undergraduate METU students. You can participate in the contest individually or in teams of two.

KODTÜ is a programming contest and your aim during the contest will be to write programs that will solve the problems given to you within certain time and memory limits. The aim of the contest, which will be held in the format of ICPC, is to solve as many problems as possible in the least amount of time. You can reach the problems of our previous contests at and try yourself in the system.

You can apply to KODTÜ until February 5th, 23.59 through the link down below.

Application Form

Winners of the 26th Programming Contest

The contest is over! We thank you for being a part of it, and hope that you have enjoyed it as much as we did. We also congratulate the first 5 teams of the competition.

First 5 Teams

  1. Hibiscus (Kirez, Kuru, Cebe)
  2. HASBOT (Çakıl, Kılıç, Sevinçler)
  3. Tired to Bee Lonely (Dönmez, Ersarı, Ertürkmen)
  4. hunTRsolo (Avcı)
  5. tiramisu (Yaşar, Karakuzu, Deniz)

You can check out the problems from the archive.

You can also give us feedback by filling the form.

26th Annual Programming Contest

METU Computer Club proudly announces the 26th Annual Programming Contest!

This year, the qualification round of the contest, which will last for 36 hours in total, will start on Saturday, April 29th at 12.00 and finish on Sunday, April 30th at 23.59. The final round will take place on Saturday, June 10th. You can participate in the contest individually or in teams of 2 or 3.

You can visit our Geleneksel Programlama Yarışması page for detailed information and to apply for the Annual Programming Contest, whose applications continue until April 26th.

We wish everyone success 🏆.

Postponement of KODTÜ

Due to the current situation, we have decided to postpone KODTU to a later date. We'll let you know when we set the new date.

Get well soon to all of us.


We are happy to announce KODTÜ, our programming contest among METU students, which we're organizing for the fourth time this year. 🥳 We will hold our contest online on Saturday, February 11th, 11:00. Anyone can participate in the contest, but the award ranking will only be made between undergradate METU students and teams composed entirely of undergraduate METU students. You can participate in the contest individually or in teams of two.

KODTÜ is a programming contest and your aim during the contest will be to write programs that will solve the problems given to you within certain time and memory limits. The aim of the contest, which will be held in the format of ICPC, is to solve as many problems as possible in the least amount of time. You can reach the problems of our previous contests at and try yourself in the system.

You can apply to KODTÜ until February 5th, 23.59 through the link down below.

Application Form

25th Annual Programming Contest

METU Computer Club proudly announces the 25th Annual Programming Contest!

This year, the qualification round of the contest, which will last for 36 hours in total, will start on Saturday, May 7th at 12.00 and finish on Sunday, May 8th at 23.59. The final round will take place on Saturday, June 18th. You can participate in the contest as individually or in teams of 2 or 3.

You can visit our Geleneksel Programlama Yarışması page for detailed information and to apply for the Annual Programming Contest, whose applications continue until May 4th.

We wish everyone success 🏆.

KODTÜ Winners

Our contest is over! Thank you to everyone who participated and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We also congratulate the first 3 teams of our contest.

Top 3 Teams:

  • yutabi (Bingül)
  • Durusta (Cura, Ateş)
  • rosto köfte yiyoz (Çakıl,Özcan)

You can still solve the problems at archive.

You can also give us feedback by filling out the form at the link below: Feedback Form


We are happy to announce the KODTÜ, our programming contest among METU students, which we will organize for the third time 🤯. We will hold our contest online on Saturday, February 26th between 11:00 - 16:00. Anyone can participate in the contest, but the award ranking will only be made between METU teams. You can participate in the contest individually or in teams of 2.

KODTÜ is a programming contest and its aim is to write a program that will solve the questions given to you within certain time and memory limits. The aim of the contest, which will be held in ACM ICPC formats, is to try to be the team that solves the questions the fastest. You can reach the questions of our KODTÜ and other contests held in previous years at and try yourself in the system.

For application and detailed information about KODTÜ, whose applications continue until February 23th, you can visit

We wish everyone success 🏆.

Winners of 24th Programming Contest

The contest is over! We thank you for being a part of it, and hope that you have enjoyed it as much as we did. We also congratulate the first 5 teams of the competition.

First 5 Teams

  1. L'Ultima Cena (Kirez, Ekici, Gündoğan)
  2. etliekmek (Kasapoglu, Kınık, Akalın)
  3. Combeetitors (Kaplan, Dönmez, Özer)
  4. Unagi (Özçelik, Şengün, Uysal)
  5. PynamicDrogramming (Özgül, Mukhtarov, Özçömlekçi)

You can check out the problems from the archive.

You can also give us feedback by filling the form.

24th Annual Programming Contest

Hello everyone,

METU Computer Club proudly announces the 24th Annual Programming Contest! This years qualification round will start on June 5th and finish on June 6th. The final round will take place on June 26th. It is possible for everyone to compete, but teams consisting only of undergraduate students will be included in the official scoreboard. You can participate in the contest individually or as teams of 2 or 3.

The contest is on competitive programming, and the competitors' goal is to solve the given problems within time and memory constraints. It is going to be in ACM ICPC format. The teams that solve the most problems will qualify to the final round. Those who are successful in the final round will win the prizes.

For application and detailed information, visit

Good luck 🏆


Bu sene ikincisini düzenleyeceğimiz ODTÜ öğrencileri arası programlama yarışmamız KODTÜ ile yeniden karşınızdayız🤯. Yarışma 27 Şubat Cumartesi Günü 11.00 - 16.00 saatleri arasında olacaktır. Yarışmaya katılmak isteyen herkes katılabilir fakat ödül sıralaması sadece ODTÜ takımları arasında yapılacaktır. Yarışmaya bireysel ya da 2 kişilik takımlar halinde katılabilirsiniz.

KODTÜ, competitive programming üstüne bir yarışma olup yarışmanın amacı sizlere verilen programlama sorularını belli zaman ve hafıza limitleri dahilinde çözmeye çalışmaktır. ACM ICPC formatlarında yapılacak olan yarışmada amaç soruları en hızlı çözen takım olmaya çalışmaktır. Daha önceki yıllarda düzenlenen KODTÜ ve diğer yarışmalarımızın sorularına adresinden ulaşabilir, sistemde kendinizi deneyebilirsiniz.

1 Şubat - 25 Şubat arasında kayıtları devam eden KODTÜ'ye başvuru ve ayrıntılı bilgi için

Insider - Mehmet Sinan Toktay

Mükemmel bir haberimiz var! 👾

Artık evlerimizden etkinliklere katılmaya iyice alıştığımız bu dönemde sizler için bir etkinlik de biz yapalım dedik. 29 Ağustos 13.30’da Insider’ın Co-Founder ve CTO’su sevgili Mehmet Sinan Toktay Youtube üzerinden bizlerle olacak.

Trendyol ve Türkiyede Tech

ODTÜ Bilgisayar Mühendisliği mezunlarımızdan şu an Trendyol’un CTO’su olan Cenk Çivici 30 Haziran günü YouTube’da canlı yayın konuğumuz olacak. İçeriğimiz Cenk Bey’e sormak istediğiniz sorularla şekillenecek. Teknoloji sektörü, Trendyol'da kariyer gibi aklınıza gelen soruları ileriki günlerde story kısmındaki ankete yazabilirsiniz.'un kurucularından olan Cenk Bey'den girişim ile alakalı da bilgi edinmek isteyebilirsiniz.

Silikon Vadisi'nde Kariyer

Evde sıkıldığımız bu günlerde çok güzel bir haberimiz var!

15 Mayıs Cuma günü Google’dan sevgili Afşın Akdoğan 16.00’da YouTube kanalımızdaki canlı yayın üstünden sorularımızı yanıtlayıp Silikon Vadisi ve Amerika’daki kariyer yollarıyla ilgili bilgiler verecek. Konuğumuzun yanıtlamasını istediğiniz sorularınızı üzerinden iletebilirsiniz. Hepinizi bekleriz. 💥

23rd Annual Programming Contest

23. Geleneksel Programlama Yarışması'nın başvuruları başladı! Ayrıntılı bilgi için'yi ziyaret et.

Teoriden Pratiğe

ODTÜ Bilgisayar Topluluğu olarak 15 Şubat'ta Teoriden Pratiğe etkinliğimizde Chris Stephenson ile fonksiyonel programlamaya giriş yapacağız. Son başvuru tarihi 9 Şubat 23.59.

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